
Monday, February 28, 2011

Pushing my envelope...well, kind of...

Yeah, I'm getting baaaad about posting. Gotta remember! But I did have a validish excuse...well, for a day...My brother Mychal turned the big 2-1! I'm just his sister but it feels like he should still be, I don't know, 10? He'll always be my little baby brother...I can hear him groaning at that from across cyberspace (zip it, Myke! :D)...even if he is almost a flippin' foot taller than me!


I finally tried hand quilting..I wanted to give it a whirl because it is SO outside my skill set. I'm a free motion quilting kind of girl. Fusible applique and I are BFFs. But you know, being a glutton for punishment I decided to try something outside my comfort zome (machines). I shouldn't say that...I DO like embroidery and cross handwork isn't entirely outside of my comfort zone, but when it comes to quilting, it is.

And...I liked it. But I had the best teacher for this method. She's been teaching quilting for years and hand quilting/hand applique is her game. Seriously, her work is IMPECCABLE. So it was a real joy to learn from her!

This is where I started. Stitches looking a liiiiittle wonky. The longer, wonkier beige stitches are just a basting stitch.

FINALLY getting the hang of it!

Hey, it's starting to look like something! It'll have feathers around it. I think this is going to end up a pillow for my grandma :) She loves hearts, and though in this picture set you can't tell too well, the background is yellow - her favorite color.

I can't wait to see what our next pattern will be!

1 comment:

  1. I know someone else who likes hearts ;)
    my first thought was that it looks a tiny bit like a hand grenade heart :D i am a dork
    but props to you for going all out and learning new stuff all the time! i am impressed


I welcome all comments and constructive criticism! All I ask is that you keep it clean and keep it kind.