
Sunday, April 21, 2013

PMQG Block of the Month: January - April

So the first third of the blocks for the Block of the Month I'm doing with the Portland Modern Quilt Guild is complete.  The point of the program is to make one block for yourself, and one for charity.  For the charity blocks, we can do "black, white and a splash of color," "scrappy" or "ROYGBIV."

For my charity blocks, I chose to do the black, white and a splash of color.  Honestly, I didn't think to take pictures of these blocks, but I have been changing up the splash of color each month. 

For my blocks, I also chose to do the black, white and a splash of color, buuuuuut I chose a theme...and it should not be surprising at all to anyone reading this blog.  Yes indeed, my Block of the Month is Halloween themed.  Hey now, this girl can never, ever have too many Halloween quilts!

So I grabbed all of my Halloween themed black and white prints, and I've been tossing in splashes of orange, green, purple and pink, with the intention of using my Michael Miller hearse fabric.

Hearse fabric. I like the touch of morbid humor, with the little casket bouncing out of the back.

So here are my blocks thus far...

This block was tricky for me because my brain did NOT want to think of this in tube format, which is how it was initially assembled and which is why not all my prints are right side up. I just figure the skeletons have been listening to too much Lionel Ritchie and started dancing on the ceiling.

I initially was going to just keep it to purple, orange and green, but I had this bright pink and orange geometric and I thought it'd be fun to pop in there.  

Not going to lie, I'm going to use a LOT of that bat print because it is my absolute favorite.  The green is much more of a bright, borderline neon green instead of the kind of bluish green it shows here.

This is when I wish I had a better camera than just my cell phone camera.  The pink is much more similar to the bright pink from February instead of the bubble gummish pink in the picture.  Also, the strip in the middle isn't burgundy, it is a really rich deep purple more similar to the purple from February as well, and the spots are a bright pink.  In person, it is much more cohesive than this crappy picture shows.  Someday when I am rich and famous I will have better equipment to take better pictures with.

I am SO impatient, I can't wait to get the other 2/3 of the blocks done so I can see what the whole thing will looks like...but that won't be until December!

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