
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Another International Quilt Market Anecdote: Nancy Zieman

It's been a while since I made any real effort to write about what I saw and did at Spring Market this year, but lately at the shop one story has been thrown around more than usual in the form of either John or my mom busting my chops about it.  Not in a bad way, don't worry, but I'll get to that...It's kind of funny!

But it seems like as with any celebrity in any field, when you meet them in real life their star shines even brighter for you, or they get knocked down a notch or two.  For those of you all that have been reading this blog for a while, you might remember how I met Kaffe Fassett at Fall Market in 2011.  To paraphrase, he kicked me, noticed, looked at me, didn't say a word and then was extra snooty with people when he was in his booth signing books.  Looks like as his notoriety in the quilting world grew, he got too big for his britches and the rest of the quilting community peons like us. By contrast, his partner Brandon Mably was really friendly and fun to talk to, but for me, Kaffe unintentionally knocked himself down a peg or two for me.

This year, I met Tula Pink (who was very friendly and talkative), Verna Mosquera (also very nice) and Nancy Zieman.

John and I took a Schoolhouse class from Nancy, and it was fascinating to see her in person.  Sure, I'll admit I was a little star struck by thee Nancy Zieman.  I remember sitting there with mom when I was really little watching her show...and being a little kid (4ish or 5), slightly scared by her facial paralysis.  Once it got explained to me that she had an illness that caused it, I was cool with her. But I remember her show from the early 90s.  She's the one person I remember from quilting fame as a kid.

As we were walking around Market, John got to meet  Nancy face to face.  I was elsewhere, but according to him she was warm and friendly. He said that she told him she liked him because, and I quote, he looked like her kids.

I met her on the last day of Market in her booth.  I told her that I used to sit with my mom and watch her show and "help her quilt" by cutting up her scraps, and how nice it was to meet her.  Obviously Nancy was totally done with being friendly for the day because she delivered a gem of a response.  I swear to God, she just looked at me, expressionless and said, "How nice for you."  No smile, no thank you, or nice to meet you or I'm glad you have a nice memory of my show...just "How nice for you."  Looks like someone else has gotten a little too big for her britches too.

Meeting a few of the biggies of the quilting world has sure been an interesting experience!

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