
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lovely Frankenstein 31 Days of Halloween: Wolverine Costume Claws

If you know me well, then you know that in my book, Wolverine is thee coolest superhero ever. 

The Wolverine of my youth...yellow spandex and all...which, spoiler alert, would make a GREAT Halloween costume

But modern Wolverine kicks every single ass...and can grate cheese on those abs. 

But all I know is that when I have kids, because they will absolutely be the coolest (and nerdiest) kids in town, one of them will end up in a kiddie Wolverine costume. And when they do, they can have these kid-safe Wolvie claws!  
They may not be adamantium, but hey, we all can't be THAT good.  If you know of a little one that wants to be the most awesome kid in the trick-or-treating group, or even one who just wants to be a superhero for a day, there is a good tutorial on how to make these claws kid-safe.

Thank you to Allie at Freshly Completed for sharing this!
CLICK HERE to get the tutorial

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