
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lovely Frankenstein's 31 Days of Halloween: Felt Treat Bags

 Believe it or not, Target apparently has craft tutorials. Todd Oldham has a step by step guide to make these cute little treat bags.

I know I would have squealed over this as a kid.  Well, okay, let's be fair...I squealed over this as a grown ass woman.  I don't have anything to use it for, but it sure is cute!

CLICK HERE for the tutorial.


  1. I was pointed your way by a friend who thought I might like what you're up to. Boy do I! :) We might have a few things in common. Feel free to check me out at Happy Halloween!

  2. Hi Susan, I'm glad you found my blog and that you're enjoying it! Your blog has a lot of really neat stuff, I wish there were enough hours in the day to make all the neat things we find!


I welcome all comments and constructive criticism! All I ask is that you keep it clean and keep it kind.