
Monday, October 6, 2014

Lovely Frankenstein's 31 Days of Halloween: Witch Shoe Treat Bags

If the shoe fits, then stuff that thing with treats.  This treat bag is way cute and would be awesome to make for the kids (or grown ass kids) in your life.

If you're the extra motivated kind (I'm not) these would be adorable as party favors filled with candy.  If you're the less motivated kind (like me) these would be awesome for place settings, or a silverware holder as Sharon suggests.  Or a Halloween doggie stocking!  I know two little scary dogs that may need these.

CLICK HERE to get to the tutorial and pattern.  Thank you to Sharon at Sharon Sews for sharing!

1 comment:

I welcome all comments and constructive criticism! All I ask is that you keep it clean and keep it kind.