The one thing about Halloween that makes me sad (hold on, you'll be able to pick your jaw up off the floor in a minute) is that trick or treating is a dying tradition. Out of paranoia (which is only partially founded in fact, the rest in media hysteria) parents no longer allow their kids to trick or treat in neighborhoods like when I was a kid (which was thee best part of Halloween), and instead take them to the mall during the day to trick or treat. Ick! Where is the fun in that? Just follow common sense safety rules and it's all good clean fun!
Fine I'll hop off the soap box. Back in the day my brother and I went beyond the little plastic pumpkin trick or treating buckets. We straight up carried pillowcases....great for a huge haul of candy but it did get to be a pain to carry. This is a great trick or treating bag designed by Alicia Thommas and instruction provided by Debbie Guild that is carried cross body so the hands are free and it doesn't get cumbersome. I love the fabric they chose...I have several yards of that that needs to be used!
CLICK HERE for the tutorial. Thanks to Alicia and Debbie for sharing!
Ooooh, make me one too please!